business by dezign blog

AI for Business: From Blank Pages to Enticing Copy in Minutes

AI for Business: From Blank Pages to Enticing Copy in Minutes

July 10, 20234 min read

You’ve probably been hearing a lot of conversation about Chat GPT lately.  

You may be wondering what exactly this thing is and if it even matters to you as a handmade business owner. 

I know all too well that as a product-based business, you’ve got a lot going on. 

Between creating, managing inventory, and delivering products this may seem like another tool to complicate things rather than make life easier. 

But my goal has been to figure out and share practical ways to leverage this tool for a business like yours. 

If you’ve ever struggled with writing about your products, this is for you!

using AI for your business

With that said, here are 3 ways you start leveraging ChatGPT today 👊

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT, essentially an AI-based chatbot stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. 

It's designed to give you answers in a comprehensive, conversational, and detail-oriented manner. And this is where it becomes very handy for a product-based business.

By simply typing some basic information on your customer and product specifications within seconds you’ll have something written for you. 

Now sure it’s not perfect and still needs a little human touch, but it beats staring at a blank screen and struggling to get started to say something. 

Why use artificial intelligence in a handmade business?

In working with over 200 businesses, I know that writing a product description or social media post is one of the biggest challenges that every single client has faced. 

The time and energy it will save you is incredibly valuable. 

Think of the extra hours you can spend making your products rather than writing for your business. 

Let’s look at how AI helps with the specific types of writing you do to promote your products. 

AI for Product Listings

Let’s face it, writing product descriptions can be overwhelming. A common mistake is to focus on the specs. You likely want to share the size, fragrance, and ingredients. But all that technical detail isn’t really what will move your customer to buy. It’s most important to consider your customers' motivators. How does your product align with their wants, needs, and fears? 

AI can help turn your customer’s fears around. 

Let me give you an example. Let’s say you look at a customer review who was unhappy and complained that the candle was too small for the price. You can tell Chat GPT to write a benefit statement for the customer review. Chat GPT can turn that into, the candle may be small in size, but it packs a powerful punch with its premium fragrance and long-lasting burn. 

It takes that negative comment and quickly reframes it. 

You now have a great starting point to pick some words or phrases that stand out and work with them to create a powerful description. There’s no faster way to write about your homemade products and move on to another task in no time at all. 

AI for Content Creation 

Social media is a great way to get your products seen and keep your brand top of mind, but it can be time-consuming to choose and create content. If you are on multiple platforms this becomes an even bigger task. 

Chat GPT can help you create different ideas for a variety of content like photo ideas, customer reviews, personal stories, brand values, and inspirational content related to your product. And when it comes to repurposing content, it is able to add or remove certain elements, change the format, or adjust the tone to suit a different platform. 

Imagine how quickly you will be able to generate and repurpose content ideas to quickly check this marketing task off your list.  

AI for Email Marketing 

Writing emails to your list is a great way to build relationships and create long-term buyers, but I’m sure you’ve struggled with what to say. Having a consistent tone and message is important to building trust. This is true of your emails, as well as your social media posts, and anywhere you talk about your brand. 

Chat GPT can even help with this. If you can name someone who has a similar brand voice or brand style it will then rewrite your content with that in mind. There will be a noticeable difference in the language being used. 

With this tool no more guilt about not getting that email out to your list. You’ll be able to get some thoughts together and keep that communication going with ease.

Using AI for Marketing Your Business 

Chat GPT won’t be replacing humans anytime soon, but it surely can speed up your brainstorming process and get product descriptions, social media posts, and emails  done quickly and effectively. If you're sold on how this can change your business and have to know more, I want to invite you to join my Facebook group. 

There you will learn from my guest expert, Brittany Long. There’s no one else I’d rather learn how to use artificial intelligence in business from. She is the Queen of Evergreen emails and uses AI daily to work with a variety of business owners. She always packs her training with value and actionable steps. 

Don’t miss out, be sure to join the Handmade Business Collective and get immediate access so you can start using AI and saving your time right away.

handmade businessusing AI for marketingusing AI for business using AI for content creation homemade productsusing artificial intelligence in business
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Business by Dezign

Published by Business by Dezign

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